Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Defining symbols > Browsing, selecting, and dragging
Browsing, selecting, and dragging
A Select and Drag dialog is opened when you click the Choices button in a definition dialog.
You can drag items from the list to the edit box.
To select a group of contiguous items, hold down the SHIFT key and click the top and bottom of the items to be selected.
To select a non-contiguous list or items, hold down the CTRL key, and then click each item in turn.
Details box
Certain information about a selected item in the Select and Drag dialog is displayed in the details box. To activate it, click Details; to close it, click No Details. If a number of items are selected, the last one selected is displayed.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Filtering by Name
Enter a name in the Name box and press Enter. An exact name search is made, unless you use the following wildcards to filter the list:
* specifies any character, any amount of times.
? specifies any character; signifies a one-to-one match.
Examples of wildcards
To display all class attribute names that start with lowercase “c”, type c* (the list is case sensitive).
To find a class that starts with “c”, and ends with “s”, type c*s.
To find a class whose name has four letters, starting with R and ending with s, type R??s.
Words that match
Words that do not match
Three questions marks specify only three letters after the letter ‘D’, not four.
El ????o
El Campo
El Indio
El Camino
Word must start with ‘E’ and ‘l’ and have a space, then have four letters of any kind, then a final ‘o’. ‘El Camino’ has five letters before the final ‘o’.
Houston TX
Houston TX 77024
Word does not end with ‘TX’.
San *
San Antonio
San Angelo
Santa Fe
Word must have ‘San’, then a space; this word has an extra ‘ta’ after the ‘San’ and before the space.
Word is missing ‘ville’ at end.
coup deville
Coup deville
Word does not start with a lower case ‘c’.
Certain Choices dialogs provide you with a list of items that has already been filtered. For example, when adding a method to a message on a UML Sequence diagram, the list of methods in the Choices dialog for a message is filtered to only show methods of the class of the target object and its superclasses. This is a methodology-specific filter.
This filter is applied through the file that specifies the repository's underlying metamodel: saprops.cfg. Special commands are applied to enact this filtering. In the case of a Sequence diagram, the Of Definition and Supers Referenced In command has been invoked. Users can apply these types of commands to filter lists themselves through USRPROPS.TXT. For more details, see: System Architect - General, Customizing System Architect, Extending with USRPROPS.
See also
Defining symbols