Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Diagrams > Explorer network and landscape diagrams > Symbol types viewable on the Explorer diagram
Symbol types viewable on the Explorer diagram
The following symbol types can be viewed on the Explorer Diagram.
Definition symbol
Represents a definition in the repository that is shaped as a rectangle. The name of the symbol is the name of the definition represented. Also shown will be the definition type, the names and values of any existing key properties.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Additionally, if the report selected other properties, they are displayed in the following format.
<property name> = <property value>
Double clicking an Explorer symbol that represents a Definition, or right‑clicking it and selecting Edit Represented Object, opens the definition's edit session dialog.
The following commands are available by right‑clicking a symbol on an Explorer Diagram:
Isolate Selected Symbol and Attachments moves symbols away from all others.
Display Mode allows you to choose to display properties of the Explorer symbol itself. By default, Explorer symbols only have one property: Graphic Comment. You can add properties to an Explorer diagram symbol by customizing the metamodel of the encyclopedia in the usrprops.txt file, and use the Display clause to make properties that you add displayable
Delete relationship(s) for selected symbol(s) deletes the relationship lines from symbols
Show immediate relatives add objects that are related to this symbol
Edit Properties of Explorer Symbol enables you to edit the symbol properties of the Explorer symbol itself. See the Display Mode command. There are no definition types associated with the Explorer symbols, except for the Collection.
Diagram symbol
Represents a Definition in the repository is shaped as a rectangle. The symbol name will be the name of the definition represented. Also shown will be the definition type, the name and values of any existing key properties.
For example:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Additionally, if the reports SELECTed other properties, they will be displayed in the form:
<property name> = <property value>
Editing or double clicking a Diagram Node will open the diagram it represents.
The following commands are available by right‑clicking a symbol representing a Diagram on an Explorer Diagram.
Isolate Selected Symbol and Attachments positions symbols away from all others.
Display Mode displays properties of the Explorer symbol itself. By default, Explorer symbols only have one property, the Graphic Comment. You can add properties to an Explorer diagram symbol by customizing the metamodel of the encyclopedia through the usrprops.txt file, and use the Display clause to make properties that you add displayable.
Edit Properties of Explorer Symbol enables you to edit the symbol properties of the Explorer symbol itself. See the Display Mode command. There are no definition types associated with the Explorer symbols, except for the Collection.
Delete relationship(s) for selected symbols deletes the relationship lines from symbols.
Show immediate relatives adds objects that are related to this symbol.
Refresh the selected symbols and its successors finds the set of immediate relatives and compares it with the relatives already on the diagram.
Symbol symbol
Represents a Symbol on a Diagram in the repository that is shaped as a hexagon. The symbol’s name will be the name of the symbol represented. Also shown will be the symbol type, names, and values of its definition key properties if there are any.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Additionally, if the report SELECTed other properties, they will be displayed in the form:
<property name> : <property value>
Editing or double clicking a Symbol Node opens the diagram containing the represented symbol.
The following command are available by right‑clicking a symbol on an Explorer diagram:
Isolate Selected Symbol and Attachments moves symbols away from all others.
Delete relationship(s) for selected symbol(s) deletes the relationship lines from symbols.
Show immediate relatives adds objects that are related to this symbol.
Collection symbol
Appears as a rectangle with a thick border. Collection Symbols are added to the diagram through the Draw menu or toolbox. If the Collection has no definition the symbol will simply be an empty rectangle. The Explorer Object Reports can be dragged into the Collection and the results will be used to populate the rectangle with node symbols. You can then drag in the Explorer Relationship reports associated with the Collection and this will populate the rectangle with lines. Alternatively, you can select one or more nodes symbols inside the Collection and run the Relationship reports with respect to those only.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Group symbols
Appears as an oval and dotted. The number that appears inside the body is the number of objects that the symbol represents.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The following command are available by right‑clicking a Group symbol on an Explorer diagram:
Expand Group - Right clicking the symbol and selecting the "Expand Group" from the floating menu option can expand a Group Symbol. System Architect will then expand the group unless it represents more than 10 nodes. In that case, it will be expanded into 9 and its component nodes plus another group containing the residual nodes. You can repeat this operation as required. When the Group is expanded, it will be left showing a count of zero.
Isolate Selected Symbol and Attachments moves symbols away from all others.
Delete relationship(s) for selected symbol(s) deletes the relationship lines from symbols.
Hide relationship(s) lines not attached to selected node objects hides all relationship lines on the diagram.
Relationship symbol
The default line and pen for a Relationship is straight: any orientation and solid. The symbol’s name is the relationship type being represented and, if it is the result of one or more reference properties, the property names are listed as additional textual material. It is adorned with an arrowhead indicating the direction of the sense of the relationship.
The following command are available by right‑clicking a Relationship symbol on an Explorer diagram:
Isolate Selected Symbol and Attachments moves symbols away from all others.
Delete relationship(s) for selected symbol(s) deletes the relationship lines from symbols.
Hide relationship(s) lines not attached to selected node objects hides all relationship lines on the diagram.
See also
Explorer network and landscape diagrams