Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Using the Picture Browser to add pictures to diagrams
Using the Picture Browser to add pictures to diagrams
Available from the View menu, the Picture Browser option opens a dockable pane which can be used to draw pictures on diagrams.
By default it shows pictures from the encyclopedia’s Images folder.
A graphic depicting pictures being shown from the encyclopedia’s Images folder
In the normal mode of operation, you select a file to get a preview of it in the diagram Preview window and trigger picture drawing mode using the file as a referenced image.
A graphic depicting a preview of a file in the diagram Preview window, from where you can trigger picture drawing mode
There is a splitter bar at the bottom of the window which you can drag up. Having done so, selecting a file will present the preview image there instead of updating the Diagram Preview pane. The position of this splitter is remembered.
A graphic depicting the splitter bar at the bottom of the diagram Preview window
A number of filter options are offered. You must press the Refresh button after updating the filter controls to update the list of images.
You can drop down a check-list of the located file extensions which System Architect supports as pictures by pressing the down-arrow to the right of the Pick extensions label.
A graphic depicting a check-list of located file extensions which System Architect supports as pictures
The Name box offers a contains-type search.
The folder drop-list contains all located encyclopedia folders and offers a folder-based search.
A graphic depicting a folder drop-list containing all located encyclopedia folders, from which a folder-based search is offered
External (non-encyclopedia-based) files
Pressing the ... button leads to a folder selection dialog for picking a Windows folder.
A graphic depicting a folder selection dialog for picking a Windows folder
After selecting a folder, that directory is selected and is available in the Folder drop-list. This is the view after pressing Refresh:
A graphic depicting selecting a file which will cause picture drawing mode to be entered with the file as a reference
With Reference ticked, selecting a file will cause picture drawing mode to be entered with the file as a reference.
Note System Architect sessions started by other users will only locate and use that image file if it is available at the same location on their system.
Unticking the Reference box means that the user will be prompted on pressing Add, as if the file had been dropped onto the diagram after dragging it from the Windows folder.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Copying creates a unique P-prefixed image folder in the root encyclopedia folder for each picture placed on the diagram from the chosen file. Import imports the file.
Keyboard interface
As normal in Windows applications, you can switch keyboard focus by using the Tab and Shift+Tab key combinations.
After moving focus to the Pick extensions button and pressing Space, the list will drop-down but you need to use the cursor-down key to move focus to items in the list before you can press Space to toggle selections, or press Escape to close the list.
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Overview of using basic capabilities