Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Specifying colors
Specifying colors
Wherever a color can be selected, the following dialog is now presented which offers a palette of colors for selection:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This defaults to the set of colors presented in old color dialog or the palette that was last loaded.
The old color selected for the System Architect function is presented for comparison.
Pressing OK closes the dialog and the calling System Architect function uses that color.
An expandable block labeled Instructions can be expanded to show instructions.
Clicking on a palette entry will select a color and this is indicated with a bounding rectangle. Cursor keys will move the indicator and change the selected color. The palette has a dotted focus indicator.
Ticking the Allow movement context menu option allows palette elements to be moved with the cursor keys in order to rearrange them.
Using the Set Columns... context menu option allows columns to be specified:
Entering a value in the Columns box and pressing OK will arrange elements in a matrix fashion with scrollbars appearing if necessary.
Entering 0 or a non-number will result in the palette entries being presented left to right and wrapping to fit within the window. A vertical scrollbar appears if necessary.
The window can be sized as indicated at the bottom-right.
The presented controls above the color palette wrap to fit within the horizontal space.
When a Columns value is set, the window is scrollable.
Otherwise the colors are presented left>right, top>bottom, wrapping to fit within the window and a vertical scrollbar appears if necessary.
The window is centered on the System Architect window by default, but also loads the position it was last in from an ini setting.
The size of the palette elements can be set using the Set Size... context menu option. This is also loaded on open and saved when set.
The presented palette can be saved and loaded. This also saves and loads the value for the Columns entry.
The folder presented on requesting to load should be the same as that which the user last picked.
A Defaults context menu option allows resetting without having to reload. This also clears the last stored file to load by default.
The Custom button opens the customization dialog:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The default map allows quick selection of any hue and luminosity or lightness, including greys, with a slider bar controlling saturation. Changing Saturation values updates the presentation of colors in the map.
An alternative map is available by checking Show Selected Hue Only which presents a slider bar controlling hue value:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This map has Luminosity(0-100 at the left edge, 100-50 at the top edge, 50-0 at the right edge) and Saturation(0-100) on the X axis.
The map is stretched to fit the area (H/L is twice height, L,S map is approximately twice the width)
The location of the indicator in the map is updated on switching between maps.
The window is centered by default but also loads position it was last in from an ini setting.
The selected color is as was selected in the main dialog if it is created as on first showing or if the dialog is closed by pressing the X button; close it with Hide and press Custom and it will show the selected color that was last shown there.
Clicking in the Map area updates the selected color and the values presented in the text boxes. You can click-and-drag to browse, and you can use the cursor keys to do this when an input box or slider does not have focus. The pin location is limited to the area covered by the map.
When a slider has focus, the left and right cursor keys will move the slider which will update the selected color and the text box values and change the map accordingly.
Text boxes: Red, Green, Blue and Hex values, All(RGB)(Hex), Hue, Saturation, Luminosity/Lightness allow entry of values.
Changing values in input boxes will update the selected color but will not update the indicated match for the color in the map because there can be a delay in finding a match.
The Copy Pixel button allows picking of a color from a pixel based on the position of the mouse cursor. A zoomed area is shown within the map area. Cursor keys will adjust the position shown in the zoom window. Either click or press Escape to cancel copy pixel mode. Clicking does not update the indicator in the map area.
The Find in Map button updates the location of the indicator in the map area based on the values in the text boxes.
The Select button will cause the selected color to be selected in the main window.
The Add button will cause the selected color to be appended to the palette in the main window.
The main color-picker window is still responsive; selecting a color here will update the Custom window and closing it will also close the Custom window.
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Overview of using basic capabilities