Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPMN > Modeling Processes, Sub-Processes, and Tasks in BPMN business process diagrams > BPMN Process definitions > Execution properties
Execution properties
You specify values for execution properties so that you can generate execution languages such as BPML or BPEL4WS from a BPMN Business Process diagram.
Task Type
You can specify that a process is of a particular Execution type. When you select a type, press the Apply button in the lower right-hand corner of the process definition dialog, to apply the changes. The tabs of properties presented in the definition dialog will change to reflect the Task Type chosen.
You can choose from the following Task Types:
Abstract Type: This property is set on the Execution (Abstract Task) tab, available if you have specified the Task Type property of the Process (on the Execution tab) as Abstract. You can type in the abstract type in this field.
A Manual Type Task should not have any Message Flows.
Performer: This property is set on the Execution (Manual Task) tab, available if you have specified the Task Type property of the Process (on the Execution tab) as Manual. You can specify the performer as a Role or Organizational Unit.
The Receive Type Task is mapped to a BPEL4WS receive. The Receive Type Task is mapped to a BPML one-way action.
Instantiate?: This property is set on the Execution (Receive Task) tab, available if you have specified the Task Type property of the Process (on the Execution tab) as Receive. You can select True or False.
Implementation using web service?: This property is set on the Execution (Receive Task) tab, available when you have specified (on the Execution tab) that the process is of Task Type Receive. Select True or False.
Reference Task: This property is set on the Execution (Reference Task) tab, available if you have specified the Task Type property of the Process (on the Execution tab) as Reference. You can specify the BPMN process that performs the task.
Script: This property is set on the Execution (Script Task) tab, available if you have specified the Task Type property of the Process (on the Execution tab) as Script. You can type in the script.
A Send Type Task is mapped to a BPEL reply or a BPEL invoke (with only the inputContainer specified). A Send Type Task is mapped to a BPML notification action.
A Service Type Task is mapped to a BPEL invoke (with both the inputContainer and outputContainer specified). A Service Type Task with both an incoming and outgoing Message Flow is mapped to a BPML solicit-response action.
Implementation using web service?: This property is set on the Execution (Service Task) tab, available when you have specified (on the Execution tab) that the process is of Task Type Service. Select True or False.
Start Quantity: This property is set on the Execution (Transaction) tab, available when you have specified that the process is of Task Type Transaction (on the Execution tab).
A User Type Task should not have any Message Flows. The BPMN specification has not yet determined what this type will map to in BPEL or BPML.
Performer: This property is set on the Execution (User Task) tab or the Execution (Manual Task) tab, available if you have specified the Task Type property of the Process (on the Execution tab) as User or Manual, respectively. You can specify the performer as a Role or Organizational Unit.
Variable Assignments
You can specify one or more BPEL Assign definitions. All are generated to a BPEL Assign expression. The BPEL Assign definition consists of the following properties:
Assign Time: You can specify the Assign Time either be Start or End:
Start: If you specify Start, a BPEL sequence will be created and the assign will follow the instantiation of the process (through a receive or a pick).
End: If you specify Start, a BPEL sequence will be created and the assign will follow the instantiation of the process (through a receive or a pick).
See also
BPMN Process definitions