Architecting and designing > Data modeling > Components of an entity relation diagram > Objects in an ERD > Relation lines > Defining non-specific relations
Defining non-specific relations
This relationship type is not included in any integrity checks Foreign keys cannot be propagated from a non-specific relation.
Relation Line Info. tab
Reverse Phrase
The grammatically reverse name for the relation line; for example, “customer PLACES order” and “order IS PLACED BY customer.” The reverse phrase is for documentation purposes only and can be displayed on the diagram.
From cardinality
The number of records in the source entity that can exist for each target entity record.
From Entity
The origin of the relation line.
To cardinality
The number of records in the target entity that can exist for each source entity record.
To Entity
The target entity of the relation line.
From Entity Exclusion Arc Character and To Entity Exclusion Arc Character
The characters to place on the arc when specifying exclusive relationship sets.
Note A non-specific relation cannot be converted to an identifying relation.
See also
Relation lines