Architecting and designing > Using enterprise architecture frameworks > Selecting EA frameworks and design methods
Selecting EA frameworks and design methods
You select the enterprise architecture framework and design methods you want to use when you create an encyclopedia, or at any point afterwards by performing the following steps:
1 Select Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration.
2 Toggle on the Framework you want to use in the Frameworks field. A Framework will turn on a set of diagram and definition types, some of which can be independently listed in the dialog; others which are not.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
a You can only turn on one framework at a time.
b When a framework has been selected for an encyclopedia, it is highly recommended that you never change it. The metamodel for each framework is different, and changing a framework will leave hidden definitions in the encyclopedia.
c The FEAF 2 and FEAF 1 frameworks can be used with the other core frameworks, that is why they are listed amongst Other Features at the bottom of the dialog. FEAF 2 and FEAF 1 can be turned on/off without concern, unlike the other core frameworks.
3 Toggle on Methods that you want to use, from the following lists:
Data Modeling
Entity Relation and Physical
IDEF1X and Physical
Object Modeling
Business Modeling
Process Chart and Map
Business Motivation Model (BMM)
Structured A/D
Other Features
Flow Chart
XML Schema
Rational Asset Manager
Note You can come back into this dialog and change your choices for methods at any time.
4 Toggle on property sets you want to use for data modeling and UML design.
Target Databases: Select zero or more target databases for data modeling. Each choice turns on a property set for the DBMS language – used when you are modeling in a physical data model.
Target Languages: Select zero or more target languages for UML modeling. Each choice turns on a property set for the object-oriented programming language – used when you are modeling in UML.
5 Click the Advanced tab to get better granularity of diagram and property set choices.
6 Select OK to save the dialog.
7 Reopen the encyclopedia (File > Open Encyclopedia) for the changes to parse and take effect.
See also
Using enterprise architecture frameworks