Architecting and designing > Using enterprise architecture frameworks > Using the Framework Browser > Managing custom frameworks > Creating new framework interfaces > Populating framework cells
Populating framework cells
After clicking Configure Cells to launch the framework in preview mode in the previous procedure, you can now define each of the cells.
The framework is in preview mode as shown in the following image.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Click any of the cells within the grid to launch a dialog that enables you to define the cell (see below).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Cell Editor overview
1 Enter the name of the cell in the Cell Name field. This name will be displayed on the face of the cell within the framework. (Optionally, if you select to apply an image to the cell, you can leave the Cell Name field empty).
2 Optionally enter help text in the Help Text field. The text you enter here will appear when the pointer is over the cell. If there is no cell name provided, the help text appears in the title of the browser that comes up when you click the cell.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Optionally specify a graphic to be used for the cell in the Graphics group. In the Graphic file field, click the Browse button to select the image you want to use for the particular cell. When you select the image file, the image appears in the field to the left of the graphic file property. Alternatively, you can click Color to set a color for the cell.
If you decided not to include an image, deselect No cell graphic. If no image or color settings are set, the symbol will take on the color attributes set for the framework.
Note The Transparent option only works with .gif format images.
4 Select the System Architect® diagrams, definitions or matrices that you want to be defined within the cell by toggling on the box to the left of the respective type name.
5 Repeat this process for each cell in the framework, until all have been defined.
See also
Creating new framework interfaces