Architecting and designing > Using enterprise architecture frameworks > Using the Framework Browser > Managing custom frameworks > Importing frameworks
Importing frameworks
You can import one or more frameworks at a time using the Framework Editor.
The structure of the chosen import file must conform to the format of saframework.xml.
1 Click Import; then locate the new .xml or.txt file that contains the new framework.
2 Click Open.
This causes the contents of the selected file to be merged into saframework.xml, which contains the contents of all the frameworks created using the Framework Editor.
If the framework was imported successfully, a message indicates success and the new framework is shown.
If the file imported contained multiple new frameworks a similar message appears:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
When the file you have selected to import contains both new and existing frameworks, the Framework Editor will handle any collisions. In the event of a collision during import, the following type of message is shown:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Managing custom frameworks