Architecting and designing
The Explorer
The Explorer displays global and user-defined views of encyclopedia objects. It provides an alternative version of the Explorer window, enhanced with customizable content, a toolbar with multiple functions, and the options to select a View from accordion bars or icons.
To display the Explorer, click View, select Explorer and click Views. The sample Explorer window below is followed by sections describing each feature.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Window Docking options
You can move the Explorer to the left, right, top or bottom of the System Architect workspace, and dock it in or out the main System Architect window. The default dock position is on the left. The ‘pushpin’ button toggles on the Auto Hide option. In Auto Hide mode, the ‘pushpin’ icon points horizontally and the window is shown full size only when you mouse-over the Explorer tab in the application workspace. The ‘X’ closes the window. To open the Explorer window, click View > Explorer.
Explorer toolbar
Left to right, the Explorer toolbar buttons perform the following tasks:
Create a new dynamic or static view
Open the selected objects
Remove the selected objects
Delete the selected objects from the encyclopedia
Refresh the current View
Sort all objects (includes option to enable/disable case sensitivity in the view)
Add a new Pane, delete or rename the current Pane