Architecting and designing > SysML > Relationships > Instance Specification Relationships > InstanceSpecification to Model Element
InstanceSpecification to Model Element
An InstanceSpecification is a model element that represents an instance in a modeled system. You can relate the Instance to the Model Element using the InstanceSpecification to Model Element relationship.
When you do, the Model Element appears within the InstanceSpecification’s definition, within its classifier property on the InstanceSpecification UML tab (see below). Likewise, the Model Element definition is populated with all InstanceSpecifications that instantiate it in its A_Classifier_InstanceSpecification property on its Classifier UML tab.
The InstanceSpecification to Model Element relationship can be drawn like this:
Any ModelElement or Classifier
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Relating an Instance to a Model Element through the InstanceSpecification_to_ModelElement relationship populates both definitions appropriately, and notates the Instance symbol with the Classifier it instantiates (see left symbol below).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
InstanceSpecification Line
InstanceSpecification to InstanceValue
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Instance Specification Relationships