Architecting and designing > TOGAF > Running Catalog Reports for TOGAF
Running Catalog Reports for TOGAF
TOGAF Catalogs (reports) are provided in a Report file of the System Architect Reporting Engine, and also provided as Microsoft Word templates that can be run from the Reports menu.
TOGAF Catalog Reports
The System Architect Reporting Engine is used to generate TOGAF Catalogs.
1 Select Reports > Report Generator.
2 In the Reports dialog, select File > Open, and then select file TOGAF_10_Catalog.rpt located in directory <C>:\Program Files (x86)\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Reports.
3 Select a report, and then click Generate to run it.
TOGAF Word Reports
Several TOGAF reports are available for automatic generation to Microsoft Word.
1 Select Reports > Word Reports > TOGAF.
2 Select one of these reports from the menu:
Architecture Building Block (ABB).
Business Architecture.
Impact Analysis.
Request for Architecture Work.
Solution Building Block (SBB).
Statement of Architecture Work.
Technical Architecture.
3 Click OK to run the report – Microsoft Word launches with the template corresponding to the chosen report.