Architecting and designing > UML 2.0 Lite > UML models > Introductory tour of UML diagrams > Developing systems with UML > Developing iterative design in UML
Developing iterative design in UML
The class diagram is developed in an iterative fashion, in other words, through a repeated cycle of analysis, design, and implementation.
Often issues that affect the design arise during implementation. Changes made to implementation code need to be reversed back into the analysis model so that iterative design can continue. System Architect facilitates this process by enabling you to implement the design in a number of languages, and then reverse the code back into the existing class diagram, automatically updating the information stored on the diagram and in the underlying encyclopedia.
You can also implement class diagrams by generating code for CORBA IDL and JavaScript.
Modeling class dynamic behavior with State diagram
Building UML Class diagram
See also
Developing systems with UML