Architecting and designing > UML 2.0 Lite > UML models > UML class diagrams > Display of method formal parameters
Display of method formal parameters
A method is distinguished from other methods by its name and its parameter types (but not its parameter names. Thus A and B (below) are considered the same (because their parameter types are the same) but B is considered different from C (because their parameter types differ):
A) mymethod(int p, long q, char r)
B) mymethod(int x, long y, char z)
C) mymethod(int x, long y, int z)
Display of method parameters on a class diagram
On a class symbol, System Architect displays the names and types of a method within parenthesis, in the following format (specified by UML):
method (parameter1_name : parameter1_type, parameter2_name : parameter2_type, ...)
Suppressing Method Parameterization on a Class Diagram
1 On an open class diagram, select Edit, Diagram or right-click in an empty area of the diagram workspace and select Diagram Properties.
2 In the Diagram Properties dialog, toggle on the Suppress Method Parameterization choice. Click OK.
Display of Method Parameters in the Explorer
In System Architect's explorer, a method is displayed with its parameter types, not its parameter names. The explorer shows only the differentiating information of the Method (in System Architect, the method's 'key' properties).
See also
UML class diagrams