Architecting and designing > SysML > Diagram views > Sequence diagram > Generic Line on Sequence diagram
Generic Line on Sequence diagram
The Generic Line is used to tie Constraints to model elements on a Sequence diagram for SysML and UML 2.5.
How to model a constraint
Select the constraint symbol from the Draw toolbar, add it to the Sequence diagram, and then name it. The border of the constraint symbol will disappear after drawing it.
A graphic depicting how to model a constraint
How to model start and end regions of a Time or Duration constraint
1 Use the Generic Line symbol and draw a line from the Lifeline to the top of the Constraint symbol. An Associative dialog will open after drawing the line – leave the default ‘to’ direction of the Flow (Sequence) toggled on.
First graphic of two depicting how to model start and end regions of a Time or Duration constraint
2 To adjust the arrowhead of the Generic Line after drawing it, right-click the line, and then choose to open its Associative Properties.
Second graphic of two depicting how to model start and end regions of a Time or Duration constraint
3 Draw a similar Generic Line from the Lifeline to the bottom of the Constraint symbol. You might need to insert line segments into the line after drawing it to make it orthogonal – to do so, right-click the line, and then select Insert Line Segment.
How to tidy up the Generic Lines
Make sure their line style is set to Straight-Orthogonal (to access this setting, select the line and select Format > Symbol Format > Line Style).
Add additional end points into the line if necessary (right-click the line, and then select Insert Line Segment).
Make sure the arrowhead points at the Constraint (right-click the line, and then select Associative to open the Associative Properties dialog, within which you can specify the direction of arrowheads.
See also
Lifelines on Sequence diagram
Messages on Sequence diagram
GeneralOrdering on Sequence diagram
Combined fragment on Sequence diagram
ConsiderIgnoreFragment on Sequence diagram
Constraints on Sequence diagram
Coregions on Sequence diagram
ExecutionSpecification on Sequence diagram
Interaction on Sequence diagram
InteractionOperand on Sequence diagram
InteractionUse on Sequence diagram
Observation on Sequence diagram
State Invariant on Sequence diagram
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Sequence diagram