Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > Database menu > Database properties
Database properties
When you log onto a SQL Server database, you can view properties for that database. Select Database, Properties or by selecting the Database properties icon from the Database toolbar. The properties displayed are listed below.
Encyclopedia name.
Encyclopedia version
System Architect version used to create encyclopedia.
Database status.
Displays the Server and database name, and owner's User name.
Date created
Encyclopedia creation date.
Encyclopedia size, in MBs.
Space available
Space available in the database before it reaches its designated maximum size.
Number of users
Number of users currently using the database.
Single thread
Single thread.
Last database backup
Date of last backup. If no backup has been performed, the value is 'None.'
Last transaction log backup
Date of last backup. If no backup has been performed, the value is none.
See also
Database menu