SA XT for web access > System Architect XT > Customizing System Architect XT > Sample components in the configuration files > Links box
Links box
The Linksbox component contains button-style links. By default, all buttons except Create my Own Question/Query target link to Page components within pagegen.aspx. You can easily add your own buttons and have them link to either hidden page components, or to entirely different pages.
The appearance and placement of the Links box component is defined by its class name boxSmall left. On the Home page, the Site Management box is to the right of the Link Box. The class name is boxSmall right. The code for the Links box is shown below.
<page name="home">
<component name="Link1" type="Link" class="boxSmall left" style="height:150px" format="Button">
link target="pagegen.aspx?page=commercialquestions" label="COMMERCIAL QUESTIONS"/>
<link target="pagegen.aspx?page=healthofarchitecturequestions" label="HEALTH OF ARCHITECTURE"/>
<link target="query.aspx" label="CREATE MY OWN QUESTION/QUERY" newpage="Y"/>
<link target="pagegen.aspx?page=browser" label="System Architect XT Explorer"/>
The fields described in the table below define individual links within a Link component.
The label that appears on the button or hyperlink.
If y then the target page is opened in a new window.
The page to open if referencing pagegen.aspx.
The url of the target page.
Creating or modifying a Link in the Links Box
To create or modify a Link component, open the Configuration File, using the general procedure described in Customizing the configuration file, and proceed as follows:
1 Find the component name Link1, as shown above.
2 Copy one of the link tags, for example:
<link target="pagegen.aspx?page=commercialquestions" label="COMMERCIAL QUESTIONS"/>
3 Paste the link that you copied above or below the other links, depending on where you want it to be displayed in the Links box. For example, paste the link you copied above all other link tags to have the new button appear at the very top.
4 Change the Page and Label properties of your new link from:
<link target="pagegen.aspx?page= commercialquestions"label="COMMERCIAL QUESTIONS"/>
<link target="pagegen.aspx?page=mycustomquestions"label="MY CUSTOM QUESTIONS"/>
5 Find and copy the entire Page component named commercialquestions, which appears as follows:
<page name="commercialquestions"> . . . </page>
6 Paste the Page component and change the name property from
<page name="commercialquestions"> . . . </page>
<page name="mycustomquestions"> . . . </page> .
7 Edit the contents within your new mycustomquestions page component as desired.
8 Save your Configuration File, and click on the Refresh link on the Home page header.
The button you added above links to the new page component named mycustomquestions.
See also
Sample components in the configuration files