Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Getting started > Connecting to catalogs
Connecting to catalogs
You can connect to current catalogs, or to catalogs created with previous System Architect version. A current catalog is one that has been created or updated with your current product version. Catalogs created with previous versions must be updated to the current version before you can use them.
Connecting to current catalogs
1 Click the Current Catalog field and select a catalog.
The list of available catalogs is determined by the number of servers to which you have access.
2 Click Go. The SACM window loads the catalog you selected.
Connecting to catalogs created with previous releases
In System Architect releases before 10.3.9, catalogs were named PopkinEnterpriseCatalog. Starting with System Architect 10.3.9, catalogs were named TelelogicEnterpriseCatalog. To open catalogs created with product versions 10.3.9 or older, you must change a setting in the sa20001.ini file. This task forces SACM to use the older catalog name.
To change the sa2001.ini file, do this:
1 Using Windows Explorer, go to the sa2001.ini file, which by default is installed to:
C:\Documents and Settings\< YourUserName> \Local Settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect
2 Open the sa2001.ini file with your text editor of choice.
3 Change the value for the item TelelogicEnterpriseCatalogName from:
TelelogicEnterpriseCatalogName= PopkinEnterpriseCatalog
4 Save and close the sa2001.ini. The next time you start System Architect Catalog Manager, you can open the older catalog, and a Catalog Open Status window lists new and updated permissions.
See also
Getting started