Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Instance level access control > Setting ILAC group restrictions for encyclopedias
Setting ILAC group restrictions for encyclopedias
You can use the ILAC group restrictions feature to restrict unwarranted access by a user to certain encyclopedias.
There is a setting, Enable ILAC Group Restriction, for an encyclopedia. When this is set, the groups the active user is known to be a member of becomes the list of groups that were involved when granting access to the selected encyclopedia or workspace.
Similarly, the defaults applied to new items will be filtered by the list of groups that were involved when granting access to the selected encyclopedia or workspace.
For System Architect XT Reader, all user groups that could be used to access an encyclopedia or workspace are considered when building the views but this will not give an ILAC group-restricted view in a workspace scenario.
To set ILAC group restrictions for encyclopedias
1 In System Architect Catalog Manager, expand the root level Encyclopedias node.
2 In the right pane, a green checkmark is placed for the ILAC Enabled encyclopedias. Right-click any of these encyclopedias, and select Enable ILAC Group Restriction option. To disable this option, select Disable ILAC Group Restriction.
3 Select the root level Encyclopedias node. An ILAC Group Restriction column is displayed in the list and a tickmark is placed in the column where the restrictions have been set.
See also
Instance level access control