Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Roles > Editing role expression properties
Editing role expression properties
To edit the role expressions of a role
1 Click the root Roles node to expand it. Most edit options are only available when you select your role from under the root Roles node.
2 Click the node of the role you want to edit.
3 Click the Role Expressions node.
The list view of the Role Expressions node now displays properties that determine how each of the Role Expressions are processed.
You can now edit Role Expression properties as described below.
To change role expressions order
Right-click the role that you want to reposition, and then click Move Up or Move Down.
Alternatively, you can click the Edit menu and select Move Up or Move Down.
The order of other roles expression (if any) on the list are adjusted accordingly.
To change role expression inheritance properties
A role can inherit or disinherit the permissions of a role expression. A benefit of choosing to disinherit a role expression instead of removing it outright, is that it makes it easier if later on you decide to inherit the role expression again.
To change the inheritance properties of a role expression, double‑click a role expression to toggle between the Inherit and Disinherit values; alternatively, right-click on a role expression and select Toggle Inherit Status from the context menu (or the Edit menu).
To remove a role expression
Right-click the role expression, and then click Remove.
See also