Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Defining symbols > Understanding the spell checker > Configuring the spell checker
Configuring the spell checker
Click Tools > Options in the System Architect Explorer, then the Spelling tab to view the current settings for the spelling checker.
Your user settings were inherited from the database when your user account was created. You can alter these settings to suit your spell checking requirements.
The options are divided into three sections, which are explained in detail below.
Available languages
All of the language dictionaries that are supplied with System Architect are listed in the Selected Languages list box. System Architect can check spelling and grammar for some languages, and spelling only for others. If you select a language that System Architect cannot check grammar for, the Grammar level list is unavailable.
Full spelling and grammar checking
English (US)
English (UK)
German (pre- and post-spelling reform)
Portuguese (European)
Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spelling checking only
Norwegian (Bokmal)
Norwegian (Nynorsk)
Setting the spelling checker rules for each language
To set the spelling checker rules for each language, select a language from the list, and then set the options.
The panels below the Selected Language list change depending on what language you select. For example, if you select English (US) you can include Legal and Business, Financial, Insurance lexicon supplements.
Click Use Locale Language to display your current locale language in the Selected Language list.
Checking options
Show spelling errors first
Select this option to highlight spelling errors before grammatical problems.
Ignore read-only attributes
Select this option to only check attributes to which you have modify access. You cannot correct errors in text unless you have modify access to the attribute.
Use default language if attribute language not suitable
For information on how this setting affects the way in which System Architect selects a language for checking, see below.
Understanding default language selection in System Architect
When you run the spelling checker, and select the attributes you want to check, System Architect automatically checks in the locale language of the attribute. However, if the attribute’s locale language is not defined by the attribute or not supported by the spelling checker, System Architect defaults to a different language. The language that System Architect defaults to depends on whether you have selected the option Use default language if attribute language not suitable.
If you select this option, and the attribute language is not suitable, System Architect use the language that you have selected in the Selected language list. Make sure that when you close the Options dialog box, the language you want to use as the default is displayed in the Selected language list.
If you do not select this option, and the attribute language is not suitable, System Architect selects a language as described below.
The language defined by the system locale.
If the system locale is not suitable, the first available language in the list is used. This is usually English (US).
In either case, you can select a different language for the spelling check in the Check Spelling dialog box.
Managing the dictionary
You can customize the client dictionary. It is stored on the same computer as the System Architect client. This is not a personal dictionary. It can be accessed by any user of that client, including Citrix clients that access the client remotely, and remote access clients. Access controls cannot be set on the client dictionary. However, you cannot add words to the client dictionary if you do not have write access to the directory in which the client dictionary is stored.
See also
Spell check
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Understanding the spell checker