Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Diagrams > Representationally Consistent diagrams
Representationally Consistent diagrams
These are diagrams where the structure in terms of what node symbols are connected and how, and sometimes how node symbols contain others, is recorded in the underlying definitions. Therefore, changing the diagrams can change those definitions.
Diagrams affected: Entity Relationship, Class, most DoDAF2, ArchiMate, ToGAF9, UAF and NAF4 diagrams.
Where lines are used to connect node symbols, lines can represent a reference-type property owned by one of the node symbols, or they can represent a definition which has a reference to the source definition and a reference to the target definition.
Attaching a node to a parent adds a reference from the child node to the parent.
On representationally consistent diagrams supporting box-in-box and hierarchical behavior, removal of a node by using a Delete action and then choosing Remove will not clear the parent reference. In System Architect, to delete and update the reference, use the Edit > Cut (or Ctrl+X) command, or drag the node to detach it from its parent. In System Architect XT, you must edit the references directly or use symbol movement to effect the change prior to deleting the symbol.
Since System Architect is a multi-user tool, and other users might be changing definitions and relationships that appear on the current diagram that a user has open, a Refresh button is provided, so that a user can refresh the current view based on underlying architecture information. The refresh action removes lines that are no longer representing a relationship in the underlying data model, and also adds lines where they are needed.
The INI/MST setting RepConRefreshOnDgmOpen can be set to any value other than Y to disable the refresh on diagram open for all diagrams on a particular environment.
The diagram property Suppress refresh after open { edit Boolean default "F" } can be ticked for a specific diagram and then saved to turn off the refresh on open for that diagram.
Hiding representationally consistent lines when they are added
A diagram property in the Behavior tab labeled Hide new lines added by refresh allows lines added by this functionality to be hidden by default. The Hide/Show relationships lines feature can then be used to show them. This allows diagrams dedicated to a specific perspective, which show only a subset of existing relationships, to not be ‘polluted’ by that auto-appearance of new relationships. This capability does not apply to Entity Relationship and Class diagrams.
How to add properties that do not appear
The properties mentioned above might not appear by default; just add them using usrprops.txt.
See also