Module 3: Create class diagrams Create class diagrams to display the structure of the classes in the hotel system. The Class diagram is the main analysis/design diagram for a system. The class diagram describes: the identity of the system, its relationship to other classes, its attributes, and its operations. Class diagrams model static behavior. Iterative Design The class diagram is developed in an iterative fashion, in other words, through a repeated cycle of analysis, design, and implementation. Often issues that affect the design arise during implementation. Changes made to implementation code need to be reversed in the analysis model so that iterative design can continue. System Architect facilitates this process by enabling you to implement the design in C++, Java, and Visual Basic. System Architect can then reverse that code back into the existing class diagram, which automatically updates the information stored on the diagram and in the encyclopedia. Learning objectives After completing the lessons in this module you will know how to: ▪ create a new class diagram ▪ add an association between classes ▪ define an association ▪ add associations between other classes ▪ build inheritances ▪ cross reference class and sequence diagrams. Time required This module should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Prerequisites If users need to download data or prepare their environments before beginning the module, provide instructions for how to do this. If module prerequisites deviate from tutorial prerequisites, acknowledge this. Lessons in this module Lesson 3.1: Create a class diagram Create a new UML class diagram and add existing classes to the class diagram. Lesson 3.2: Add an association between classes Build relationships between classes by adding an association line. Lesson 3.3: Define an association Define the associate you made between the Diary and Reservation class. Lesson 3.4: Add associations between other classes Add association lines to other classes in the diagram. Lesson 3.5: Create inheritance relationships Build a straight, any orientation line to illustrate the options of a customer making a reservation on business. Lesson 3.6: Cross-reference class and sequence diagrams Run a Microsoft Word report to verify that every message modeled between objects on a sequence diagram has a corresponding association between the instantiated classes, (and vice versa). Next Lesson 3.1: Create a class diagram See also Introduction: UML modeling for information system architecture UML modeling for information system architecture