The purpose of each link is to send all the information through the diagram in order to get the correct results for the Simulation Process.
Mandatory Sequence
A Mandatory Sequence line is used to model the fact that the flow must be taken.
Optional Sequences are also used in conjunction with the drawing of a Fan-In or Fan-Out Process Symbol. In the definition dialog the Sim Symbol tab enables you to associate what type of logic that will be used. There are five types available: Attribute, Object Type, Probability, Shortest Queue, and Time in Model. Once the logic type has been established, click Apply to reveal the appropriate Logic tab.
When defining a Fan Out or a Fan In Process Symbol logic settings are determined by the type of link that has been chosen to pass the object downstream. The settings are as follows:
▪AND Logic requires the Mandatory Sequence Line.
▪OR Logic requires the Optional Sequence Line.
▪XOR Logic requires the Optional Sequence Line with an Exclusive Arc Character.