Architecting and designing : NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) : NAF v4 : NAF 4 Elements : PerformsInContext (Role)
PerformsInContext (Role)
In NAF 4 and UAF, the relationship of:
An OperationalPerformer performing (in context) an OperationalActivity.
An OperationalResource performing (in context) a Function.
A ServiceSpecification performing (in context) a ServiceFunction.
The PerformsInContext (Role) relationship forms an explicit join relationship, within which you may specify the conditions and rules under which the OperationalPerformer performs the OperationalActivity.
In layman’s terms, a Role is defined by a Performer performing an Activity. For example, a Person (OperationalPerformer) who is Developing Code (OperationalActivity) is performing the Role of Developer. That same Person providing Training to Customers is performing the Role of Trainer. That same Person writing a data sheet on the product is performing the Role of Marketer. That same Person demonstrating the product to a Customer in order to sell it, is performing the Role of Seller, and so on.
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NAF 4 Elements