A method is distinguished from other methods by its name and its parameter types (but not its parameter names. Thus A and B (below) are considered the same (because their parameter types are the same) but B is considered different from C (because their parameter types differ):
A) mymethod(int p, long q, char r)
B) mymethod(int x, long y, char z)
C) mymethod(int x, long y, int z)
Display of method parameters on a class diagram
On a class symbol, System Architect displays the names and types of a method within parenthesis, in the following format (specified by UML):
Suppressing Method Parameterization on a Class Diagram
1 On an open class diagram, select Edit, Diagram or right-mouse click in an empty area of the diagram workspace and select Diagram Properties.
2 In the Diagram Properties dialog, toggle on the Suppress Method Parameterization choice. Click OK.
Display of Method Parameters in the Explorer
In System Architect's explorer, a method is displayed with its parameter types, not its parameter names. The explorer shows only the differentiating information of the Method (in System Architect, the method's 'key' properties).