Customizing the metamodel : What you can do with USRPROPS/SAPROPS : Deleting, hiding, and renaming properties : Using the RENAME command
Using the RENAME command
You may rename any of the names in the provided SAPROPS.CFG file using the RENAME command. RENAME statements should be entered at the top of USRPROPS.TXT file, prior to all other commands and statements.
RENAME class_name from_type_name TO to_type_name
The following three statements rename a diagram, symbol, and definition:
RENAME DIAGRAM "Data Flow Gane & Sarson" TO "Data Flow Chris & Trish"
RENAME SYMBOL "Data Transform" TO "Process A"
RENAME DEFINITION "Process" TO "Process A"
Effects on reporting system
The reporting system only recognizes the new name (the name the old property was renamed to). Reports written using System Architect’s internal reporting system or the System Architect Word reporting system, must be written accordingly.