Customizing the metamodel : Using listof, oneof, and expressionof : OneOf
A OneOf list box provides a list box that enables the user to select one, and only one, of a list of objects (Diagrams, Symbols, or Definitions) of a certain type. The object type referenced must have been defined already in SAPROPS.CFG or at the top of the USRPROPS.TXT file.
PROPERTY "Assigned To" {EDIT ONEOF "Risk" LENGTH 100 }
Example of ONEOF listbox
Filtering the list of items
Similar to the ListOf list, the list of items provided in the list for a OneOf command can be filtered. Filter keywords are available such as OF DEFINITION REFERENCED IN and OF DEFINITION AND SUPERS REFERENCED IN.
Heterogeneous oneof list
A typical OneOf statement provides a list of one object type. Similar to the ListOf list, you may also create a OneOf list that references more than one object type using the HETEROGENEOUSONEOF keyword.