Customizing the metamodel : Keywords for USRPROPS : ASSIGN
You may assign new symbol types or existing symbol types (symbols that already exist in another diagram) to new or existing diagram types. Add symbol types to diagram types using the following syntax:
SYMBOL <symbol-type-name> [IN <diagram-type-name1>] { ASSIGN [TO] <diagram-type-name2> [EMBEDDEDBY] }
ASSIGN <symbol-type-name> [IN <diagram-type-name1>] [TO] <diagram-type-name2> [EMBEDDEDBY]
The EMBEDDEDBY clause indicates, for relationships, that instead of offering a line to draw, the relationship is created by arranging the related node symbols inside one another. The from end of the relationship is the embedded symbol.
Example 1
SYMBOL "Organizational Unit" IN "Organization Chart"
ASSIGN TO "Enterprise Direction"
Example 2
ASSIGN "Organizational Unit" IN "Organization Chart" TO "Enterprise Direction"