Customizing the metamodel : Keywords for USRPROPS : BORDERS
The BORDERS keyword enables you to specify internal borders of metafile symbols, thereby enabling you to display text in a metafile symbol: the borders create an internal rectangle in which text can be displayed. You specify the internal border of the symbol’s depiction as percentages of the symbol’s width and height.
DEPICTIONS { DIAGRAM [RETAIN STYLE] <file-name> BORDERS { left, top, right, bottom } MENU <file-name> }
DEPICTIONS { DIAGRAM images\slctsvpg.wmf BORDERS { 12, 15, 0, 0 } MENU images\slctsvpg.bmp}.
The USRPROPS.TXT code above specifies that:
a gap of 12% of the symbol’s width should be left clear on the left edge of the symbol
a gap of 15% of the symbol’s height should be left clear on the top edge of the symbol
no gap should be left clear on the right edge of the symbol
no gap should be left clear on the bottom edge of the symbol