Customizing the metamodel : Keywords for USRPROPS : PROPSIZE
A pair of parameters of the PLACEMENT command that you use to specify exact placement of properties on a DIAGRAM, SYMBOL, or DEFINITION dialog. The PROPPOS command has two arguments – the horizontal position (from the top of the dialog) in Windows units, and the vertical position (from the left of the dialog) in Windows units. The PROPSIZE command also has two arguments, x and y, which specify the width and height of the property’s control, respectively, in Windows units.
PLACEMENT { PROPPOS (horizontal-positioning, vertical-positioning) PROPSIZE (width, height) }
DEFINITION "My Definition"
PROPERTY "Table Name" { EDIT Text LENGTH 31 PLACEMENT {PROPPOS (4, 24) PROPSIZE(150, 12)} }
The example above places the beginning (upper left edge of its text box) of the Table Name property 4 Windows units from the left edge of the definition dialog, and 24 Windows units down from the top edge of the definition dialog. The text box is also 150 Windows units wide and 12 Windows units long. This statement does not specify anything about the name (or label, which is "Table Name") that goes along with this textbox. Since nothing is mentioned, the label is placed to the left of the text box, by default. You may change the positioning of the label using the FORMAT command or the PLACEMENT {LABELPOS} command.