Customizing the metamodel : Keywords for USRPROPS : SCRIPT
Calls a script written in SA Basic. The script is used for properties that are neither ListOf nor ExpressionOf. A Script takes the value of a property and performs an action, usually to display a particular type of annotation on a symbol on a diagram. The naming convention for the script itself is as follows:
_fmt (for example, _fmtUMLAttr): The function itself exists in hard code and cannot be modified. Most functions in SAPROPS.CFG are this way. Hard-coding the function is done to make System Architect’s overall response faster.
fmt (for example, fmtUMLAttr): Exists in the fmtscript.bas file in System Architect’s main executable directory.
Creating your own functions
You may create your own functions to display items in a particular way on a symbol, or to compute a particular value. Functions that you create should not be placed in fmtscript.bas, since this file is overwritten for every new installation or update of System Architect. If you create your own functions, you should place them in a usr_fn.bas file, which you must create (it is not provided by default) and place in the main System Architect directory (C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect). (The sarules.bas file has a #include to the usr_fn.bas.)Most functions called in SAPROPS.CFG (which are hard-coded and by convention have an underscore at the start of their name, such as _fmtUMLAttr) have an equivalent function call in the fmtscript.bas file (without the underscore). To create your own function, you may use the scripts in fmtscript.bas as a guide.
Explanation of existing functions
FmtOMTAbstractClass returns the script {abstract} if this property has been set; otherwise returns nothing.
FmtBOOClassConstraint returns a set of braces enclosing the name of the constraint – that is, {constraint name}, if one has been set; otherwise, returns nothing.
FmtOMTObjInstClass returns a set of parenthesis enclosing the name of the class – that is, (class name), if one has been set; otherwise, returns nothing.
FmtEntryAction returns the script entry / and the name of the entry action if one has been set; otherwise, returns nothing.
FmtExitAction returns the script exit / and the name of the exit action if one has been set; otherwise, returns nothing.
FmtOMTTransition returns the following values, in the following punctuation marks, if they are set in a state transition definition:
(attribute name) [condition] /action
CHAPTER "OMT Object-oriented"GROUP "OMT Object-oriented" {
PROPERTY "Abstract"
SCRIPT FmtOMTAbstractClass
"$$NONE$$"} }
} REM "end of group OMT Object-oriented"