Microsoft VBA’s Object Browser allows you to browse through all available objects in your project (available object libraries, type libraries and dynamic link libraries) and see their properties, methods and events. In addition, you can see the procedures and constants that are available from object libraries in your project. You can easily display online Help as you browse. You can use the Object Browser to find and use objects you create, as well as objects from other applications.
You can get help for the Object Browser by opening the Microsoft VBA interactive development environment, open Microsoft VBA’s help, and search for Object Browser.
Referencing library files
To make additional libraries available to the Object Browser
1 On the Tools menu, click References.
Note The SA2001 library should already be in the list of selected references.
2 Scroll down the list of Available References to select other references.
To navigate the Object Browser
1 Activate a module.
2 Press F2
on the View menu in Microsoft VBA, choose Object Browser.
3 Select SA2001 as the name of the project or library you want to view in the Project/Library list.
4 Use the Classes list to select the class, as follows:
Enables users to get at System Architect’s user interface (menus and dialogs) and associated events.
System Architect’s Interface Manager, this class makes available all of the functions that enable advanced users to get at System Architect’s diagrams, symbols, and definitions.
This class is not intended for use by System Architect users.
This class is not intended for use by System Architect users.
5 Use the Members list to select specific members of a class. Once selected, you can view information about the class or member you selected in the Details section at the bottom of the window.
If a project is selected in the Project Explorer window, then the Object Browser highlights all items that are part of that project.
Classes, Constants, Enumerated Types, Events, Global Variables, Methods, Modules, Properties, and User Defined Types will all be displayed, preceded by an appropriate icon.