The following SA2001.Application events may assist macro code when deciding when to make menu visibility changes:
When the whole menu is affected
When dictionary type menu items are updated
When tools type menu items are updated
When report type menu items are updated
When System Architect shuts down
Events are no longer required to keep user items in the menus. However, to remove items from a menu, the following sections of code provide the outline for such event handling. The Project is called MyProject.
MODULE: AutoExec
Main module which maintains the Microsoft VBA based event handler.
Dim EventHandler As EventCls ' Main Subroutine which starts the event handler Sub Main() Set EventHandler = New EventCls ' Create an event handler Set EventHandler.App = Application ' Connect the event handler to System Architect ' Perform any additional start up work here ' This is a good place to add you BMPs and create your PopUp menus InitBMPs InitPopUps End Sub Sub InitBMPs() Dim x As Integer x = Application.AssignBMPtoMacroItem("MyProject.MyModule.PRINTDIAGRAMS", "SAWORD.BMP") End Sub Sub InitPopUps() Dim x As Integer ' NB: Once a popup is created, it remains until it is removed by 'RemovePopupMenu', and can be added/removed from menus at will. ' Create the popup menu with its bitmap x = Application.CreatePopUpMenu("Sample Macros","SAWORD.BMP") ' Add the item to the popup x = Application.InsertMacroItemInMenu("MyProject.MyModule.PRINTDIAGRAMS", "&Print a Diagram", "Sample Macros") End Sub
CLASS: EventCls
Public WithEvents App As Application ' The application which will raise events Private Sub Class_Initialize() ' No need to do anything End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() ' No need to do anything End Sub Private Sub App_ReportsMenuUpdate() ' Reports menu has been redrawn Dim x As Long x = App.SetSeparatorBefore("&Report Generator...", "&Reports", True) ' Insert a menu item in the 'Reports' menu, before the 'Report Generator...' item, called 'Print all Diagrams' which calls PrintDiagrams2 x = App.InsertMacroItemInMenu("MyProject.MyModule.PRINTDIAGRAMS2", "Print all &Diagrams", "&Reports", "&Report Generator...") ' Insert our popup menu 'Sample Macros' in the 'Reports' menu, before the 'Print all Diagrams' item. ' NB: You should not keep destroying and creating popups here, unless you have a good reason - do this once at initialization. x = App.InsertPopupMenuItemInMenu("Sample Macros", "&Reports", "Print all &Diagrams") End Sub
MODULE: MyModule
Public Sub PrintDiagrams() ' User Code to run MsgBox "Print Diagrams" End Sub Public Sub PrintDiagrams2() ' User Code to run MsgBox "Print Diagrams2" End Sub