Post‑installation tasks
After you have installed your product, complete the post-installation tasks to configure and verify the installation.
1 Verify that you can start System Architect.
2 Install Microsoft SQL Server Express, if you are planning to work with encyclopedias locally.
3 Install System Architect to each user’s client computer.
4 Install the add-on products.
5 Set up System Architect to use non-English character sets
6 Configure product options.
7 Configure user access rights to servers, catalogs, and encyclopedias.
8 Enable local language support if not done during the product installation.
9 Enable user profiles for when users log onto the product from different computers on a network.
10 If you are moving from a version earlier than System Architect 11.4, you will need to migrate your existing encyclopedias.
11 Configure encryption for encyclopedia connections.
12 Verify that several key functions are working.