Installing : Installing System Architect XT : Folder permissions for the System Architect XT domain account : System Architect XT temporary folders
System Architect XT temporary folders
The web.config file (in the System Architect XT installation folder, usually C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\) contains the TempFolder in the AppSettings Key. This key/value pair enables the Administrator to determine the root folder that System Architect XT uses to create temporary files. The web.config file does not contain a value for the TempFolder key. System Architect XT uses the operating system’s default temporary files folder.
This example forces System Architect XT to use C:\SAXT as the root folder for temporary folders:
  <add key="TempFolder" value="C:\SAXT">
Note If your Windows operating system uses IIS 7.0 or higher, you need to grant “Full Permission” to the NETWORK SERVICE user on the C:\Windows\Temp folder, or on the temporary folder set in the Web.config file.