Installing : Installing SA Cognos Bridge : Silent installation overview : Silent installation requirement
Silent installation requirement
The installation roadmap lists the high-level steps for installing your product.
The System Architect Cognos Bridge requires that the Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Service and above be installed on the target computer.
The options available for silent installation are listed as public properties that you can set on the Msiexec command line or through custom transform files. Use the following properties for installing the Cognos Bridge.
Indicate acceptance of the License Agreement. Must be set to Yes. The default value is No.
The default is the name in registry.
The default is the name in registry.
Path where the application needs to be installed. By default it is:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\SA-Cognos
Note Do not copy and paste the command line values into the command prompt. This can add a white space in the text and prevent the installation from working.
This example shows the silent installation command with the LAPAGREE property. The default values are used for the other properties.
ratlSysArch_CognosBridge_11-4.exe /s /v" /qn LAPAGREE=\”Yes\""
This example has the INSTALLDIR property specified.
ratlSysArch_CognosBridge_11-4.exe /s /v" /qn LAPAGREE=\"Yes\"
INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\SA-Cognos""