Installing : Installing SA and SA XT on same machine
Installing SA and SA XT on same machine
You can install System Architect and System Architect XT on the same machine. This feature is useful if you want to use all the features of System Architect, and also use the distinct features of System Architect XT.
When you install System Architect, all available features are installed. This includes Cobol Import, SA INI Editor, SA Catalog Manager, SA Compare, SA Publisher, and SA Encyclopedia Manager for Microsoft SQL Server. It also includes all the help files for those features. Combined, all these features make up the System Architect suite of tools.
When you install System Architect XT, only a subset of the available features is installed, including System Architect SA Catalog Manager and System Architect Encyclopedia Manager for Microsoft SQL Server. Additionally, some features exclusive to System Architect XT are installed, including Microsoft IIS server components, and a distinct browser-based help system.