Integrating : Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) : Configuring products as providers and consumers for linking : Configuring IBM Rational Change as a resource provider
Configuring IBM Rational Change as a resource provider
You configure IBM Rational Change as a provider of resources to make the artifacts in its repositories, such as change requests, consumable by other products.
IMB Rational Change is a browser-based application for submitting and tracking change requests. With this application, you can track changes to anything from source code to the location of your workstations.
1 Log in to IBM Rational Change as an Administrator.
The URL to log in as an administrator has the following format:
2 Click System Administration.
3 Click Integrations > To This Server Consumer Keys.
Note You can click the IBM Rational Change root services URL link to see the URLs that other tools must use to link to Rational Change resources.
4 Click Add Consumer Key.
5 In the Add Consumer Key dialog box, complete the fields.
6 Click Save.
The server is now ready to be linked to by other products. Those products can consume this resource using its URL and the consumer key and consumer secret.