Integrating : Integrating with Microsoft PowerPoint : System Architect-PowerPoint integrations
System Architect-PowerPoint integrations
You can move System Architect drawings (and definitions) into Microsoft PowerPoint in a number of ways:
Simply copying/pasting diagrams directly into Microsoft PowerPoint.
Using the System Architect-PowerPoint macro to automatically move diagrams into Microsoft PowerPoint (see below).
System Architect-PowerPoint integration macro
System Architect provides example VBA macros to run in Microsoft Office products within its <C>:\Program Files (x86)\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Object Model Examples:
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP)
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Word
Instructions for running each are in a readme.txt file within each subdirectory. For example, you may run the Microsoft PowerPoint macro by performing these steps:
1 Make sure that your macro security settings are set at either Medium or Low (not High).
2 In Microsoft PowerPoint, open the SA2001 Sample.ppt macro.
3 Select Tools > Macro > Macros.
4 The Main module should be the only one presented. Click Run.