Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational Publishing Engine
Integrating with IBM Rational Publishing Engine
The Report Server Manager generates files from System Architect to create reports with the IBM Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio, which features concurrent document generation to multiple formats from a single template. You can generate Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, HTML, and XSLfo reports. Use the reporting tool to create composite reports from multiple data sources, and be able to create one report with data from different encyclopedias, or from different Workspaces in a single encyclopedia.
System Architect makes Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 encyclopedias available as data sources through the SARESTWebService, which works as a port listener. The Report Server Manager generates a metamodel of your encyclopedia, as an XSD file that is used in IBM Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio so you can select the encyclopedia artifacts to generate reports. Once you add the metamodel XSD file and create a template, you use live connections to the Microsoft SQL Server encyclopedia through the System Architect REST Service. REST stands for “Representational State Transfer.” The System Architect REST Service is able to be consumed by the IBM Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio reporting tool. Additionally, for SQL Server, you can create a flattened XML file of the entire encyclopedia minus the diagrams and use that XML file as an offline data source.
Note The System Architect help provides information on enabling encyclopedias to be used as data sources by the IBM Rational Publishing Engine to generate reports. See the IBM Rational Publishing Engine help for complete information about that product.