Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational Asset Manager : Exporting encyclopedia artifacts to IBM Rational Asset Manager
Exporting encyclopedia artifacts to IBM Rational Asset Manager
To export encyclopedia artifacts to System Architect, the encyclopedia from which you are exporting must be enabled with the System Architect option.
You must have permission to log into the server to complete to export artifacts.
1 Open the encyclopedia with the artifacts to export. A default temporary folder is displayed in the Select a temporary folder field. Optionally, you can change the folder.
2 From the Explorer, select one or more diagrams or definition to export. Diagrams to export cannot be open while you attempt to export.
By default, for each diagram that you export a JPEG image will also be exported. This is so that the diagrams can be previewed in IBM Rational Asset Manager. You can change this default to not export the JPEG images by changing the IncludeJPEGinRAM setting in the SA2001.ini file.
3 Right-click one of the selected objects and select Export XML.
4 In the Output options section, select Rational Asset Manager.
5 Click Next. A report displays listing the objects you selected to export.
6 Click Next.
7 In the IBM Rational Asset Manager login dialog, enter values for the following fields.
Server URL
where ram_server is the name of the Rational Asset Manager server and port_number is the associated port.
User Name
Type the User ID to establish session with the server.
Type the password associated with the User ID.
Check Stay logged in if you want to retain your login throughout your current session. The URL is maintained for future use, but the login information is not maintained.
8 Enter a new name in the Name field. Click the Search icon to get all the assets. You can also filter assets by what you enter in the Name field.
Note If you select an existing asset, you are prompted to Create if values do not match or to Update the asset. You can click Remember this option, to prevent the dialog from being displayed on subsequent operations. If you chose the Remember this option, and later decide to have the dialog display again, change the RememberOption=N entry under the [SA RAM] section of the SA2001.ini file.
9 Select a Version, Community, and enter a Short Description.
10 Click Publish.