Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational Asset Manager : Using the Rational Asset Manager pane
Using the Rational Asset Manager pane
Rational Asset Manager pane in Explorer
Artifacts that you successfully publish or consume are displayed in the Rational Asset Manager pane in the Explorer. The pane contains a single definition node, and under it, a single RAM Asset definition node. Only RAM Asset definition types are shown, which are created for each asset that you successfully publish to or import from RAM. Each definition contains the Name, Version, Community, Description, Asset GUID, RAM Server REST URL, and Web URL properties.
You must use the Rational Asset Manager pane to republish or re-import assets. These commands are available only by right-clicking on an asset in the pane.
When you select to republish or to import assets from the pane, you go through the same procedure you first used to publish or import the assets. The only difference is that the RAM Asset field is pre-populated when you republish or re-import artifacts.