Integrating : Integrating with SAP Solution Manager
Integrating with SAP Solution Manager
System Architect introduces a new integration with SAP Solution Manager, provided through the IntelliCorp LiveCapture for SAP Solution Manager web service. You use the integration to import business processes stored in SAP Solution Manager into System Architect. In System Architect, you can use the business processes as part of your overall enterprise architecture, to plan the business and IT strategy of your organization. This process is sometimes known as “SAP re-documentation.”
The new integration maps SAP Solution Manager objects to System Architect definitions. You can use the imported objects in the Explorer, in Business Process, and Business Process Hierarchy diagrams. You can also use the objects with System Architect features, such as Visualization, Analysis, and Reporting. Furthermore, you can work with the objects with other System Architect tools. For example, you can use System Architect Compare to view the objects in two different workspaces, each showing “as is” and “to be” scenarios. With these enterprise planning capabilities, your architecture enables you to gain a greater understanding of the impact, resources, and risks from evolving your current environment to a future state.
Note You can disable the SAP integration by adding the following line to the SA2001.ini file: