Integrating : Integrating with IBM Jazz Design Management : Configure communications with the Design Management server
Configure communications with the Design Management server
You must establish cross-server communication so that the Design Management server and System Architect server can interact with each other in a collaborative environment.
Prerequisite Before you can perform any configuration steps, both System Architect and the System Architect extension to Design Management must be installed. See:
Installing System Architect
Installing System Architect XT
To establish communication, there are two processes that must be completed:
Configure the System Architect REST Server to map with encyclopedias.
Establish a cross-server communication between the System Architect server and Design Management server by creating a friend link. The link between the two servers is called a friend link.
To complete the configuration steps, you must be logged into your computer or local area server as a user with administrator permissions. Click Design Management 5.0 > Design Management Integrations > Integrating with System Architect Design Management extension for details.