System Architect side of the IBM Rational DOORS interface
Selecting model artifacts to send to IBM Rational DOORS
You can port diagrams, symbols, and definitions to IBM Rational DOORS, so that you can link them with objects in IBM Rational DOORS. To do so, perform the following steps:
Stage for IBM Rational DOORS
You can stage definitions, symbols, and or diagrams to send to IBM Rational DOORS as follows:
Do one of the following:
▪In System Architect’s Explorer, right-click a definition, and select IBM Rational DOORS > Stage for IBM Rational DOORS to open the Transfer Unit Selection dialog. (Alternatively, select the definition in the Explorer and then click Tools > IBM Rational DOORS > Send to IBM Rational DOORS.)
▪Right-click a symbol on a diagram and select IBM Rational DOORS, Stage Definition for IBM Rational DOORS. (Alternatively, select the symbol on the diagram and then click Tools > IBM Rational DOORS > Send to IBM Rational DOORS.)
Right-click a symbol on a diagram and select IBM Rational DOORS, Stage Symbol for IBM Rational DOORS. (Alternatively, select the symbol on the diagram and then click Tools > IBM Rational DOORS > Send to IBM Rational DOORS.)
The interface does not allow you to select a symbol in the Explorer, since the Explorer does not list symbols (and you cannot get at a symbol through its definition listing in the Explorer because you can have more than one symbol on a diagram represented by one definition: the Explorer only lists the one definition. There is no way to specify what symbol you mean).
Right- click a diagram in the Explorer and select IBM Rational DOORS > Stage for IBM Rational DOORS. (Alternatively, right-click the diagram workspace and then click IBM Rational DOORS > Stage Diagram for IBM Rational DOORS.)
Select module to send artifact to
In the Transfer Unit Selection dialog, select the module that you want to send the model artifact to, and press OK. You can create a new module (in the open IBM Rational DOORS database) by clicking New. The model artifact is staged to be sent to IBM Rational DOORS, and appears on the DOORS tab of System Architect’s Explorer, within the transfer unit grouping for the definition.
Removing model artifacts from the Send to IBM Rational DOORS staging area
If you specified model artifacts to send to IBM Rational DOORS, but decide that you do not want to send them, you can unselect them to be sent to IBM Rational DOORS, thus removing them from the staging area on the DOORS tab. This is done as follows:
1 From the System Architect Explorer, select the model artifact you want to remove from the list of things to be sent to IBM Rational DOORS.
2 Right-click the model artifact and select IBM Rational DOORS, Do Not Send to IBM Rational DOORS.
The “open door” icon next to the model artifact will be removed from the artifact. (Refresh the Explorer to see this if auto-refresh is turned off.)
If that item has been marked to be sent to IBM Rational DOORS, but has not been sent yet, it is removed from the list of artifacts to send (on the DOORS tab in System Architect).
If the item has already been sent to IBM Rational DOORS, the next time you choose to Update IBM Rational DOORS, that model artifact is “soft deleted” from IBM Rational DOORS (marked to be deleted, but not actually deleted). Links to it in IBM Rational DOORS are not removed, however.
Changing your mind over and over again
If you change your mind about deleting (or unselecting) a model artifact any even number of times, the result in IBM Rational DOORS is that the System Architect model artifact will be “soft deleted” and then restored, not added anew. For example, if you unselecting a model artifact that has been sent to IBM Rational DOORS, the artifact gets “soft deleted” in IBM Rational DOORS. If you then change your mind and choose to send the item to IBM Rational DOORS again, the “soft delete” will be undone, rather than adding the model artifact anew.