Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational DOORS : IBM Rational DOORS side of the System Architect DOORS interface
IBM Rational DOORS side of the System Architect DOORS interface
IBM Rational DOORS interface
System Architect modifies the IBM Rational DOORS interface when you associate an encyclopedia with a formal module. All the IBM Rational DOORS options are at your disposal in addition to the options found under the SA menu, which contains the following items:
Finding an object in System Architect from IBM Rational DOORS
Locate objects in the open System Architect encyclopedia. See Finding an object in System Architect from IBM Rational DOORS.
Displays the copyright message.
Example of a formal module
An example of formal module associated with an encyclopedia is shown below. An object type name appears as a header for all objects of that type, meaning that all Class objects that you send are grouped under this heading and numbered accordingly. Likewise, if you send Entity objects, a new heading for Entity objects is created and all Entity objects placed under it.
For more information about the relationships between IBM Rational DOORS and System Architect, see Setting up the System Architect DOORS interface.