Reporting : Batch Documentation Facility : Printing sample reports
Printing sample reports
The product ships with a sample batch file (*.dcf) and a sample reports definition file (reports.rpt). You can use the DCF batch file to print a one-page sample of each of the pre‑written reports in the RPT file. You can also print custom reports that you add to the RPT file.
1 Click Report > Batch document facility.
2 In the Documentation Facility dialog box, select the DCF file, and then click OK.
The system prints the first page of each report contained in the selected reports definition file.
You can select DCF files from any directory by changing the path. The default directory, however, cannot be changed from this dialog box. You can change the default path in the Report Generator dialog box from the Reports menu. The system searched the file system for REPORTS.DCF file using the path from the INI file for the report definition file (RPT). The default path for both files is:
When you change the path to the report definition file in INI file, the reporting system will look for the .DCF file in the new path instead of the default location.
If you changed the path of the report definition file in INI and do not want to change the path to the documentation batch facility file each time you use this dialog box, move the DCF file to the new RPT file path as indicated in the current INI file. If you customized the reporting facility by creating a new DCF file that you saved in a different location, you must change the path before selecting your DCF file.
See also
Batch Documentation Facility