Use the FONTNAME, FONTHEIGHT, FONTSCALE, and FONTSCALEN subcommands to temporarily change the default font settings of the encyclopedia temporarily while a document prints.
After printing the document, the encyclopedia defaults reset to the default specifications listed in the WIN.INI file.
The documentation facility default settings act the same as the encyclopedia default settings. You can change the selected text on a diagram to another font, style and size specification without affecting the default settings. In this case the new settings override the default settings for the selected text.
The same holds true for the documentation facility controls. To cause the text in a diagram to take on the default characteristics, specified in either the encyclopedia or a DCF file, during document formatting, you must open that diagram, use the Select All command from the Edit menu, then issue the Font command from the Format | Symbol Format. This procedure will reset all font specifications back to the default settings, which can then be re-specified for a particular document in the DCF file.
The printer-font-name is the name of the font as it appears in the WIN.INI file.
The printer language that interprets these font names may be case‑sensitive; therefore, the font name must be specified as it appears in the setup dialog (click Setup in the Print dialog, accessed by the Page Setup command in the File menu). Postscript is case‑sensitive, and expects to see Helv rather than HELV. An all-caps font name is unrecognizable; it may default to the symbol font Zapf Dingbats.
The numeric-points is a numeric value between 4.0 and 72 where there are 72 points to the inch and 12 points is the “normal size”.
DIAGRAM "diagram-name" { FONTSCALE [ YES | NO ] }
If font scaling is allowed, Windows looks for an appropriately sized font for the given reduction factor. If such a font size is not available in the set font scaling limits, System Architect® substitutes the scalable Modern font. If font scaling is not allowed, then the choice of font and height is left up to Windows and the printer driver; it will vary from printer to printer.
If Helvetica 12 has been specified as the default and a 50% reduction is requested, Windows looks for Helvetica 6 as the substitute font. If this size is not available and font scaling is not enabled, Helvetica 12 text is printed on the 50% reduced diagram, which may be more undesirable than using the Modern font.
You can use the FONTSCALEN subcommand when font scaling is enabled, to specify what range of point size variance is acceptable when choosing the scaled font. In other words, the specified value determines the acceptable difference between what is requested and what is obtained before the Modern font is substituted.
A scale-value-point of 1 to 3 is reasonable for most purposes; a 6 point spread would probably produce awkward‑looking diagrams. The value for FONTSCALEN can be specified in fractional point sizes.