Use the REPORT command to include a report in a document. You can use the PAGES subcommand to specify a set of pages to print. You can use the PORT subcommand to specify which output port or text file a diagram or report is printed to.
REPORT "report-name" { PAGES start-page end-page PORT port-name }
The report-name is the name of the report to include in the document. The name of the report must match the report name specified in the report definition file which is being used to produce this report, and it must be enclosed in quotation marks. The name of the report must match the name in the Reports dialog, accessed through the Reports | Report Generator menu.
The start-page is the page number of the first page to be printed, and the end-page is the page number of the last page to be printed.
The port-name is...
You can include any combination of the reports in the command sequence for a document. You can include preformatted reports that come with System Architect®, or you can include custom reports that you created.
Note The report font and font sizes are set in the report specification file. The report printing does not use any font scaling settings. Reports can only be printed with available printer fonts. Font sizes are not scaled.
To specify a report:
REPORT "Diagram/Symbol Cross Reference" { }
To limit the output of the report only the first page use the following command statement: